Seating area in France Hotel

France Hotel


France Hotelへようこそ。アムステルダムの中心に位置する魅力的なリトリートです。活気ある市中心部からわずか0.5マイルの距離にあり、この象徴的な都市の脈動を手の届くところで感じることができます。オウデザイツコルク11にあるこの素敵な3つ星の宝石に落ち着き、冷えたカクテル、歓迎する雰囲気、そして最高のサービスをお楽しみください。価格はわずか$61から始まり、予算を気にせずアムステルダムの生活を満喫できます!

France Hotelでは、リラクゼーションと冒険が出会う大人専用の楽園を用意しています。無料Wi-Fiを利用して友達と旅行を共有したり、探索の一日を終えた後にバーでドリンクを楽しんだりしてください。おすすめが必要ですか?24時間対応のフロントデスクとツアーデスクのスタッフが、アムステルダムの隠れた名所を見つけるお手伝いを喜んでします。快適さに関しては、エアコン完備の禁煙ルームで、次の日の探索に備えてしっかりと休むことができます。

私たちの幸せなゲストからのレビューは、私たちの素晴らしいアメニティ、プライベートエントランス、テラス、無料のトイレタリーに対して2681の素晴らしい評価をいただいており、私たちのサービスの質を物語っています。エレベーターで簡単にアクセスできる上層階もお見逃しなく!さあ、パスポートを持って、荷物を詰めて、France Hotelをアムステルダムでの忘れられない冒険の出発点にしましょう!

Bedroom, Bed in France Hotel
Bedroom, Bed in France Hotel


Budget Twin Room without Window in France Hotel


2 シングルベッド


150 平方フィート

バジェット, 2 シングルベッド, 窓なし





Double Room in France Hotel


1 ダブルベッド


150 平方フィート






Twin Room in France Hotel


2 シングルベッド


150 平方フィート

ルーム - ツインベッド2台






多様な客室タイプを取り揃えたFrance Hotelでは、すべての旅行者が自分にぴったりの部屋を見つけることができます!友人とバジェットトリプルルームで笑い合ったり、デラックスカナルビューのスイートでロマンチックなひとときを楽しんだり、誰にでも居心地の良いスペースがあります。私たちの宿泊施設は、ソロ旅行者から大きな家族まで対応可能で、ダブル、トリプル、さらには最大10名まで快適に宿泊できる広々としたスイートのオプションもあります!心配する必要があるのは、私たちの快適なベッドで過ごした安らかな夜の後に、どの地元の美味しい料理を試すかを決めることだけです。

アムステルダムの芸術的な宝物や活気あるナイトライフを楽しんでいないときは、ホテルの素敵なバーでリラックスして充電する時間を取ってください。雰囲気は、他の旅行者とリフレッシュしたカクテルや昔ながらのビールを楽しみながらおしゃべりするのに最適です。そして、冒険が呼んでいるなら、24時間対応のフロントデスクのフレンドリーなスタッフが、街の隠れた宝物や必見スポットを案内する準備ができています。冒険心が湧いてきましたか?魅力的な運河をボートで巡ったり、悪名高い花市場を散策したりする計画を立ててみてください — 探索の機会は無限大です!

Lobby or reception, Lounge/Bar in France Hotel
Lobby or reception in France Hotel


France Hotelでは、すべての滞在が思い出に残るべきだと信じています。私たちと一緒にいる間は、人生の小さな贅沢を楽しんでください:テラスで良い本を読みながらくつろいだり、無料Wi-Fiのおかげで風景の写真をソーシャルメディアに投稿したり、エクスカーションのために熱々のコーヒーを楽しんだり。$61から始まる価格と、滞在を快適で楽しいものにするために設計されたアメニティで、あなたのアムステルダムの冒険はFrance Hotelで始まります — すべての瞬間が思い出を作る機会です!

Bathroom in France Hotel
Bathroom in France Hotel










Bathroom in France Hotel
Restaurant/Places to Eat in France Hotel
Bedroom in France Hotel
This is our 3rd stay at France hotel! We choose this hotel as it's only a 3 minute walk across the road from Amsterdam central station. Also a 5 minute walk to dam square. Plenty of bars and restaurants just outside hotel. The rooms are basic but we are out all day anyway so only use it for sleeping! The beds and pillows are comfy! The staff are very helpful and friendly.


The hotel staff was very helpful and friendly, and greeted us whenever we came in or left the hotel. The main reason we chose this hotel was the price, and as far as value for money goes it completely met our expectations: a bed, a shower, and a very central location. If these qualities are the most important to you in a hotel- I think this will be a great match!


The hotel was located in a very central location with very friendly staff and a good vending machine with everything only costing €2 which is a pretty good price compared to shops in the area. Voyagers Coffeeshop next to it also has some of the best prerolls in the city in terms of strength and value for money.


The location of the France Hotel puts you at the heart of the local attractions of Amsterdam - all of what you need is within walking distance. The room had a big window that opened inward that let in fresh air. My room was facing the canal and was below local pubs and eateries.


The staff are nice and funny ,very helpful ,Room is good more than picture ,clean and comfortable, easy to visit around attraction and food restaurant , bar and everything .


This is our 3rd stay at France hotel! We choose this hotel as it's only a 3 minute walk across the road from Amsterdam central station. Also a 5 minute walk to dam square. Plenty of bars and restaurants just outside hotel. The rooms are basic but we are out all day anyway so only use it for sleeping! The beds and pillows are comfy! The staff are very helpful and friendly.


The hotel staff was very helpful and friendly, and greeted us whenever we came in or left the hotel. The main reason we chose this hotel was the price, and as far as value for money goes it completely met our expectations: a bed, a shower, and a very central location. If these qualities are the most important to you in a hotel- I think this will be a great match!


The hotel was located in a very central location with very friendly staff and a good vending machine with everything only costing €2 which is a pretty good price compared to shops in the area. Voyagers Coffeeshop next to it also has some of the best prerolls in the city in terms of strength and value for money.


The location of the France Hotel puts you at the heart of the local attractions of Amsterdam - all of what you need is within walking distance. The room had a big window that opened inward that let in fresh air. My room was facing the canal and was below local pubs and eateries.


The staff are nice and funny ,very helpful ,Room is good more than picture ,clean and comfortable, easy to visit around attraction and food restaurant , bar and everything .


This is our 3rd stay at France hotel! We choose this hotel as it's only a 3 minute walk across the road from Amsterdam central station. Also a 5 minute walk to dam square. Plenty of bars and restaurants just outside hotel. The rooms are basic but we are out all day anyway so only use it for sleeping! The beds and pillows are comfy! The staff are very helpful and friendly.


The hotel staff was very helpful and friendly, and greeted us whenever we came in or left the hotel. The main reason we chose this hotel was the price, and as far as value for money goes it completely met our expectations: a bed, a shower, and a very central location. If these qualities are the most important to you in a hotel- I think this will be a great match!


The hotel was located in a very central location with very friendly staff and a good vending machine with everything only costing €2 which is a pretty good price compared to shops in the area. Voyagers Coffeeshop next to it also has some of the best prerolls in the city in terms of strength and value for money.


The location of the France Hotel puts you at the heart of the local attractions of Amsterdam - all of what you need is within walking distance. The room had a big window that opened inward that let in fresh air. My room was facing the canal and was below local pubs and eateries.


The staff are nice and funny ,very helpful ,Room is good more than picture ,clean and comfortable, easy to visit around attraction and food restaurant , bar and everything .



Oudezijds Kolk 11, Amsterdam, 1012 AL, オランダ

France Hotel